3 Types of Queal Customers

3 Types of Queal Customers

3 Types of Queal Customers

After more than a year of operations, we’ve encountered a wide variety of customers. Through continuous feedback requests via an independent feedback company, we have a large library (1500+) of stories to tell you. Of these stories, we’ve selected three to give you a quick overview of several benefits Queal can provide and how it has touched lives.


Saving some time with Queal

“I use it for dinner. I usually eat at work for breakfast and lunch and I’m too lazy to cook myself dinner. I like it because it’s fast and I have the feeling I’m not eating junk food.”

– Jadran Wedon


“Using Queal to replace two meals a day. Not experiencing cravings for other foods. Tastes fine, goes down easily, not dusty. Mixes well. Not a very strong flavour, would prefer it to be a tad stronger. Very helpful as I find it hard to find time or inclination to eat solid breakfast at 5am, when I get up, but Queal goes down well. I’m already vegetarian but I seem to have adjusted to it well with no unpleasant side effects! Will definitely buy more.”

– Leems Janssen


Queal provides all your daily nutrients into one quick shake and allows you to have a complete, well-balanced diet while adhering to the recommended daily caloric intake. You can drink a shake on the go, at your desk or anywhere else you like.


Queal for gaining weight

I’ve always had trouble eating breakfast in the morning. I just didn’t feel like making bread and I only start to feel hungry somewhere in the afternoon. Since starting with Queal (5 months ago) I always have a shake in the morning. It’s easy to make and gets me the calories I need to get through the mornings. My weight is just a bit higher than before and that’s exactly what I wanted to have.”

– Thomas van der Steen


“I eat Queal every day for breakfast and for dinner once or twice a week. It is convenient, as I like a large meal to start the day without spending time in the morning to prepare anything. I also like the ability to customise weight profiles, as I am trying to gain weight.”

– Chris Logan


Queal Athletic is a great way to get all the nutrients available in Queal Standard while also consuming an extra 200kcal. If you’re having trouble putting on weight, or think you need a more calorie-heavy diet, Queal Athletic is perfect for you!


Improving nutrition with Queal

“Excellent. I started using it to get a more balanced diet, and it has led to a substantial improvement in my quality of life.”

– Uupis Brody


“I had already ordered the test package with Queal after my boyfriend had recommended it to me and I absolutely loved it. I really couldn’t believe how full it made me, even though I enjoy eating. It makes me full, it keeps me fit & awake and I feel much lighter than I did before. I don’t eat Queal for every meal, however, I try to have it at least once a day. All in all super happy with Queal, don’t want to go without it anymore!”

– Caitlin Verhoeven


Queal provides you with 100% of all nutrients you need in a day. Where in this day and age many people eat unhealthy fast food or have to take a long time to find good whole foods, we offer a third alternative. Queal combines complete nutrition with a shake that is quick to make, giving the best of both worlds.

Queal combines complete nutrition with a shake that is quick to make, giving the best of both worlds!
Start with a Taste Tester.
21 Meals. Quick, Tasty & Balanced.
Choose your variation
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