Heavy Metals

About Heavy Metals

Hey there everyone!

As you may or may not have heard, Soylent was in the news last weekend, due to some disconcerting findings regarding heavy metals in their Soylent 1.5 recipe. Levels of Lead and Cadmium much higher than considered “safe” were found in two separate samples of Soylent 1.5.

Naturally, we immediately began receiving queries into our own levels of heavy metals in Queal, and our testing procedures.

Heavy Metals

I want to assure everyone that Queal does not contain toxic levels of any heavy metal. All our ingredients are tested independently by the supplier, as well as by our own production facility, for keeping to our local laws.

All our ingredients are tested to adhere to Regulations (EG) nr. 1881/2006 of the commission of 19/12/2006, concerning the maximum levels of heavy metal contaminants in food, as well as the updates in (EG) nr 1126/2007, (EG) nr 565/2008, (EG) nr 629/2008, (EG) nr 105/2010, and (EG) nr 165/2010.

Every single batch of Soy Flour, Oatflour, Whey Protein, Maltodextrin, and the oils is tested for this.

We eat and live off of Queal ourselves, so are certainly very invested in ensuring Queal is as safe and high-quality of a product as it can be.

If after reading this you still have comments, questions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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