Author:Floris Wolswijk

Protein Power!

So, What Exactly Is Protein? A lot has been said about protein and how it affects working out and muscle growth. But what exactly are proteins and what is their role in your body? What role do they play in your diet? And lastly: will our future food be more...

Fasting Life Extension

Fasting and Life Extension

What if you could not only be more productive but also have more time to do your work? What if you can experience the positive benefits of living a longer life, without the trouble? That is what I wanted to explore in today's research about...

Coding Food Future is Now

Coding your Food – The Future is Now

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text] I'll eat whatever I want! Meet Nathan Rocker, white hat hacker by day, raver at night. Nathan lives in the beautiful Budapest and considers himself to be very normal. Well, in almost everything. He drinks his breakfast and lunch and has...

Real Future Food

What is the real future of food?

It is predicted that by 2050 there will be around 9 billion people to feed on our planet. With the current state of agriculture which relies mostly on non-renewable resources, we are still struggling to feed the current population and destroying natural environments in the...