Author:Floris Wolswijk

How we use Queal

How we use Queal

When the doorbell rings just before 9 AM we know for sure who is going to be there. With a bottle of Queal in her hand, Kala is always the first employee to show up at the office. And that doesn't mean she has to...

DIY soylent versus Buying Powdered Food

DIY soylent vs Buying of Powdered Foods

TL DR; buying is better for quality control, quantity and convenience (time). DIY on the other hand, gives you control, but you need to buy a lot to start with – the choice is up to you!   Should I make my own powdered foods?   Why buy soylent...

Soylent Eater Survey 2016 Header

Soylent Eater Survey – The Results are in!

Over the past two months, a large-scale survey investigating the new modern drinkable meal market was performed. The results are incredibly interesting for consumers, companies, and the media alike. Just like last year, the survey was an international cooperation between various companies in the industry, spearheaded...

THE Food to help Entrepreneurs Create More

Food to Help Entrepreneurs Create More

From one entrepreneur to the other. I've been an entrepreneur since the beginning of this decade. It's been a road full of ups and downs. A journey where I've learned more than all years of university and school combined. And a journey in which I've met...

Sustainability Queal Part 2

The Sustainability of Queal Part 2

The Future of the World Did you know we will most likely live in a world without fossil fuels? How is the world doing on sustainability? Look at this graph, it is the estimated rate at which we run out of fossil fuels: Source: While we at Queal...