Author:Floris Wolswijk

Modern Inventions Hate

Modern Inventions and Why We Hated Them

The history of human invention and ingenuity has long been plagued with vilification and the more-than-often outburst of “That’ll never work!” in response to some new idea or another. Though the disdain was justified in many cases (cigarette umbrella, anyone?)1 , this post focuses on...

Customs and Borders

Queal and Customs

Your powdered meal (soylent) is, well, a powder, and you're taking it through customs. So what can you expect and is there anything to be worried about? Here is our experience with taking it through customs.   Soylents and Customs Getting Queal through customs is as easy as...

One Year of Queal

One Year of Queal

It was the 4th of July 2014, late afternoon and you could smell the bbq's starting up. But we weren't interested in roasting dead animals. No, we were about to embark on the first tasting of Queal v0.1. After a few months of research, consultation and...

First 3.0 Reactions

First Queal 3.0 reactions

Hello everyone! We were very excited to launch Queal 3.0 last month. We made all the improvements especially for you and we were curious about your feedback and reactions to the new version. You have really impressed us with your positive reviews, comments and reactions...

Queal 3.0

Queal 3.0

Hey there awesome person! You've likely come here to learn all about our latest update to the Queal recipe; Queal 3.0 This blog will describe the changes as compared with Queal 2.0, our recipe for the past few months. It’ll discuss the nutritional-, as well as the...

Big Changes at Queal

Big Changes at Queal!

Hello awesome people, and welcome to our brand new website! The upgrade is part of a series of extensive improvements for everything Queal-related. Let’s make a quick list, and then tackle every subject one-by-one! New Website New Packaging New Recipe New Facilities New Shipping New Shaker-Bottle...

3 Types of Queal Customers

3 Types of Queal Customers

After more than a year of operations, we’ve encountered a wide variety of customers. Through continuous feedback requests via an independent feedback company, we have a large library (1500+) of stories to tell you. Of these stories, we’ve selected three to give you a quick overview...

Active Lifestyle and Queal

Active Lifestyle and Queal

When we first came up with Queal Athletic, we wanted to offer people something they could easily combine with their active lifestyle. Being physically fit is very important in maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle, and we wanted people to be able to drink a customised...

Tinkering Thursday Part 4

Tinkering Thursday 4

The fourth installment of Tinkering Thursday is here. This is the place where the weird and wonderful experiments with Queal happen. If you can image it, or if you couldn't, here they are! [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type="expandable" text_align="left" color="#000b89" more_button_label="Tokio Mix" less_button_label="Hide: Tokio...

Start of Queal

The Start of Queal

Update: Current Queal is at version 4.0, let's keep on innovating!   "What if we could replace food with a shake that has a perfect mix of nutrition?" That is the question Onno Smits and Floris Wolswijk, founders of Queal had in June 2014. Since humans were already...