Author:Lieke van Wilpen

Introducing Queal Vegan Banana

The easiest way to eat vegan. This is the moment; after months of tasting and tweaking, we can finally introduce our vegan recipe! We are happy to announce that our first batch of vegan powder will be banana flavoured. Difference between Queal Standard and Vegan: The biggest difference...


Queal GO – New meal in a bar

We can imagine, when you're on-the-go for most of the time or when you aren't really a morning person, breakfast is not your favourite meal of the day. Based on the 'Eating at Work' research, carried out by Eurest, skipping breakfast on a regular basis is...


Tinkering tops

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text] Hi there awesome person! Nice to hear that you're looking for inspiration to create more with Queal. On this page, you'll find seven of our most successful Tinkering Thursday recipes: Forest Fruit Smoothie, Peanut Butter Cookies, Forest Fruit Popsicles, Banana Bread,...


Queal: The Future of Food

"The future of food is food." That's what Revolution's CEO Steve Case mentioned in his article about Soylent last year. He stated that Soylent might only be the future of food for some 'Valleyites'. I disagree with his statement. In this blog, I'll explain why...


No more calories to count

Meal replacement shakes can help you losing weight because they provide all nutrients you should be consuming in a meal, they are full of protein, they can support you in reducing calorie intake and they're very convenient.  No more calories to count? Last week, evidence-based Authority Nutrition website published...