Big Changes at Queal

Big Changes at Queal!

Hello awesome people, and welcome to our brand new website! The upgrade is part of a series of extensive improvements for everything Queal-related. Let’s make a quick list, and then tackle every subject one-by-one!

  1. New Website
  2. New Packaging
  3. New Recipe
  4. New Facilities
  5. New Shipping
  6. New Shaker-Bottle Policy
  7. New Price

Exciting stuff!

1.  New Website
As you may have noticed, we have significantly upgraded the website. We hope it better conveys our vision for Queal, as well as significantly improve the ease with which you can learn more about our products, and our services.

We’ve adding some excellent features to the new site. Most notably, during ordering, you are now able to fully customise the number of bags you purchase with your order. Currently this only works with One Time orders. We are working hard on implementing this for subscriptions too, expect this by the end of the month!

2.  New Packaging

We have upgraded our packaging from the simple zip-lock bags to sturdy resealable stand-up pouches. Aside from a full-colour label, and a general better look, this also significantly improves the durability, especially during shipping. Here’s a nice preview of the new bags:


Queal 3.0 BagsThese bags are shipping out, starting RIGHT NOW!

Update: We now ship 4.0 in even more fancy bags!


3.  New Recipe
This is the big one, a complete overhaul of our recipe! We have been working on improving Queal incrementally since the company was founded nearly a year ago. But this is definitely our biggest single improvement since the start. We went back to the drawing-board and re-sourced all the ingredients, putting the emphasis on keeping the same high level of quality, but increasing nutritional precision and improving taste. Queal 3.0, as we are calling it, is composed of a much more intricate combination of micro- and macro-nutrients.

First off, and most noticeably; The separate oil bottle is gone! The oil is now implemented into the powder, using a high-tech encapsulating/coating technique.

All nutritional values are still at least 100% of the RDA of course, but there are a lot fewer inefficiencies going on there.

The taste experience has also been dramatically upgraded. Both the texture and flavours have been overhauled. Queal 3.0 is now a lot more soluble, with fewer particulate materials. All flavours have been tweaked (some more so than others) to improve the overall experience.

We’d highly recommend the new Crazy Chocolate Peanut and Awesome Apple Pie, as they have been dramatically improved.

Our new production facility also allows for a much more flexible set-up, which means we can try out limited-run flavours from time to time. The first of which we are deciding upon right now!

For a full breakdown of the complete new recipe, and a comparison of Queal 3.0 with Queal 2.0, take a look at our separate Queal 3.0 blog here.

All orders shipped out now are Queal 3.0!

Update: We now ship 4.0 in even more fancy bags!


4.  New Facilities
We have moved our production to a much larger facility, ensuring we can keep up with demand for years to come. As always we will continue to adhere to all health-code and –safety rules (HACC protocols, etc.) as per EU-regulations.

Our fulfilment centre (where we put the right bags in the right box and ship it to the right address) has also been moved to a much larger complex. You can expect much faster processing of your order. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself:


5.  New Shipping
As with all other changes, this is a major improvement over our previous situation. Any order made before 14:30 (22:00 for NL) is sent out the same day.

We have also been assured handling of the parcels will be of a better quality. In the past, (especially in France), there have been a few issues with parcels arriving badly damaged. This shouldn’t happen anymore!


6. New Shaker-Bottle Policy

We have been sending out free shaker bottles with all orders for a while now. It has come to the point where people are now complaining about receiving too many shaker bottles. Thus we have decided to change our shaker-bottle policy.

You will now have to add a shaker bottle to your cart in order to receive one. Using the coupon code FIRSTSHAKER you get the shaker for free on your first order.

If you are already a returning customer, don’t worry, you can still use it on your first order on the new website!

If you want more than one shaker bottle or another one on a second order, you can add it to your shopping cart for just €2,50.

This should reduce “unwanted” shaker-bottles, which increases happiness on both sides, and is good for the environment too!


7.  New Price
We have worked tirelessly to bring all of these improvements to the table, at a reasonable price. However, especially the improvements to the recipe, sourcing high-quality components, and a much more micro-level customisation, it all adds up. In order to cover costs, we have opted to slightly increase the cost of Queal. By 3% for large orders, and 7,5% for small orders. With all of these improvements now in place and much more (new flavours!) to come very soon, we feel confident you are willing to pay just that little bit extra.


We hope all these new improvements show you our dedication to the continuing development of Queal and our openness to listen to the feedback from our customers. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stay awesome!


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