Coding Food Future is Now

Coding your Food – The Future is Now

I’ll eat whatever I want!

Meet Nathan Rocker, white hat hacker by day, raver at night. Nathan lives in the beautiful Budapest and considers himself to be very normal. Well, in almost everything. He drinks his breakfast and lunch and has never felt any better. Here’s his story.

“You know when your parents told you to eat your vegetables? I wasn’t the type that listened to them. As soon as I moved out I started living on a diet of Red Bull and pizza. Convenience is what it’s all about for me – and taste. For lunch I used to go out to this small burger place next to our office, they have some good bacon over there. But my body wasn’t having any of it. I gained 10kg in the fist year that I was living alone.”

That was last year.

Nathan decides to apply his analytical skills.

“So after neglecting my body for 12 months, I decided to change my diet. I asked myself the question, isn’t there a way to get healthy food without having to go through the trouble of making it. Wouldn’t that be great?

Online I first found medical foods, powders that exactly provided nutrients for people who couldn’t chew anymore. Could that also work for normal people? That’s when I found complete drinkable meals. It wasn’t only complete, it was also a hackers way of looking at food. I dived in.

The recipe was (and still is) open source. They looked at what your body needs in a day, divided it into three and there you have a meal. Fuck I needed something like that myself too. After looking to buy the ingredients myself (it was too much hassle) I decided to order with Queal.

There were others out there, most famously Soylent, but they didn’t have any flavours or variations (and don’t ship to the EU). And Queal promised to be tasty, so that’s a plus. After chatting with Kala on chat I decided to place an order and see what it’s all about.”

No more pizza – ok just less pizza

“A few days later my Queal arrived. Some bags, a shaker, and manual. I tried my first shake on a Monday morning, right before work. I could have gotten up a bit later because I drank it on my walk towards the office. The banana flavour was good, not too strong but definitively banana. The texture was like that of a milkshake, I remember wondering if I would be full till lunch.

My worries about being hungry were unfounded. Each meal really is quite the meal. And so I had another, now chocolate, for lunch. I guess it was much more balanced than the bacon burgers (and about 70% as tasty). I also felt really good with my energy levels.

Now one month later I’ve been drinking (or eating?) Queal about 1,5 times a day and it’s really given me a boost. I’ve also lost 2kg and feel much more energized.

Highly recommended!”

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