Doing Good Better

Each order you make during the #PowderTTP campaign will deworm a child and significantly improve the quality of life. We are strong believers in effectiveness and with Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) we believe we’ve found the perfect partner. They are a top charity that is evidence-backed, thoroughly vetted, but still underfunded. Together with you, we’re making a change. Together, we’re doing good, better.

What does SCI do?

For each order that you make, we will donate €1,10 to SCI. This amount is what is needed to deworm a child. No money will go to crazy Wallstreet types or greedy Warlords.

With the money, SCI helps fund programs that deworm children. They assist governments in sub-Saharan Africa to create or scale up mass drug administration programs for neglected tropical diseases. Schistosomiasis is the prime example of such a tropical disease. The primary focus is on school-aged children and other groups determined to be at high risk.


Why partner with SCI?

Here is why we, and others like, recommend SCI:

  • Focus on a program with a strong track record and excellent cost-effectiveness.
  • Track record – SCI has repeatedly demonstrated success at starting and expanding national deworming programs.
  • Standout transparency – it has shared significant, detailed information about its programs with us.
  • Room for more funding – we believe SCI will be able to use additional funds to deliver additional treatments.


As a food company, you might expect us to give to the WHO or to other initiatives that give food directly. And giving food is also a great way of improving lives and fighting famine is seriously needed. But when a child has worms, 80 percent of them show negative health outcomes that will affect their whole lives. For a meager €1,10, this can be prevented. That is what SCI does, and we stand behind that mission.



Why help now?

In light of the #PowderTTP campaign, we believe that we can do more as a company. One of our co-founders, Floris, has been actively involved with and organises meetings locally about Effective Altruism. This allows him, and us as a company, to have a larger reach and help more people in need.


So go out there and buy some Queal, it will be good for you and it will deworm a child in need.


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