THE Food to help Entrepreneurs Create More

Food to Help Entrepreneurs Create More

From one entrepreneur to the other.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since the beginning of this decade. It’s been a road full of ups and downs. A journey where I’ve learned more than all years of university and school combined. And a journey in which I’ve met my own limits – and moved them further.

I (Floris) and my co-founder and long-time friend Onno have always been moving the needle. We were always on the lookout to create more. First in technology, then in sports (next week I’m doing a 42km obstacle run, fingers crossed), and now in food.

Standing in the kitchen the whole day is not my thing. Nor is going to a restaurant to eat my lunch. No, I want to be able to continue working, take a small break and stay productive. I want something that’s fast, that’s convenient and that’s tasty too. Wouldn’t that be great?

How to get everything you want.

The lack of time, energy, or nutrition should never be an excuse to not live a great life. That is the main reason for engineering Queal: To be able to do more. To make a small part of my life, or your life, and make it easier and create so much more.

Together with experts in nutrition Onno and I decided to bring food back to the basics. We asked them “What if we could combine things like oats, corn, milk, soy and add all the necessary vitamins?” We were told, sure that’s possible. Not easy, but possible.

Since two years ago Queal – our quick meal – is available on the market. It helps entrepreneurs get more done, is nutritious, complete in vitamins and damn tasty. We make it by combining natural ingredients with a flavour like chocolate or banana and add the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Make it work for you.

Luckily we weren’t the only ones who enjoyed a quick meal. Over 1500 people have written a review about Queal. On average we score a 8.5 – that’s amazing for food that’s also good for you. Here’s what Noah, the owner of the company next to us had to say.

Damn boys, this is tasty as fuck. I really like that I could mix it with water and that it didn’t leave any residue like a protein shake would do. The energy I get out of it is just unparalleled, Starbucks got nothing on you.

When I’m in the car I usually drink Queal, it’s so easy to take on the road and saves me time, hassle and thinking about what to make now. I just grab a bag, mix a shaker and get going. Thanks guys!


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