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The Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) And Their Answers

Hey everyone! I’m Kala, and I’m sure most of you know me by now from either chatting with me on the website or some email correspondence here and there.

Well, I’ve noticed that a lot of the same questions keep coming up in conversations we have, so I thought I’d make everything a bit easier and compile all of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (including some you might not find on our website!) right here in a blog post.

So sit back, relax, and have all those burning questions answered once and for all.

How many meals are in one bag?


Amount Bags MealsTechnically three, since we, as humans, have evolved into eating around 3 main meals per day.

However, you are free to eat more or less than three Queal meals a day. This really depends on how hungry you are, or how you are used to eating. You can split up your meals into smaller amounts and end up eating four, five, or six meals a day.

Alternatively, you can add your entire bag of Queal to a large pitcher and just sip on that throughout the day. Whatever suits your style.

In any case, the main point I’m trying to get across here is that it is up to you. That’s right, freedom! In all seriousness though, that’s one of the great things about Queal. You decide how many meals to eat Queal, and how big those meals are.

Queal fits your personal needs and adapts to you, not the other way around.

How much water should I add?

Water Per DaySo, like the previous question, this has a somewhat subjective answer.

Whereas my colleagues usually use 350ml of water, I usually use 400ml*. This is simply because I like my Queal slightly less thick.

Basically if you like your Queal thick, add less water, and if you like it more liquid, add more water. I encourage you to experiment to find the perfect consistency for yourself.

As a side note, make sure to drink enough water as well. The water you put in your Queal should not be counted as your daily recommended dose of water!

*Per 175g/1 meal of Queal Standard (2100kcal)

Can I mix flavours?


Mix FlavoursYes! A hundred times yes!

I always get asked this question, and I suppose it makes sense that many people do not know you can do this. Well, it simply adds on another flavour component to Queal.

Off the top of my head, some interesting mixes would be Cool Chocolate + Banana Mania and Cool Chocolate + Super Strawberry.

Let me know if you have any other yummy mixes!

My friend wants to try Queal. What can I do to help him/her?

Sharing is CaringThis is a great question, and also one that gets asked all the time.

We’re psyched when someone who loves Queal wants to share it with their friends or family. It’s super easy, and everyone wins! (check it out here)

We naturally believe in the “give a little, get a little” mantra, so we make sure that you, as the referrer, receive a €20 discount on your next order with each referral. Not only that, but we also provide the friend or family member you’ve referred with a €10 discount on their first order.

Oh, did I mention that the coupons are stackable? So go ahead and share!

It’s that or having to protect your stash of Queal. Good luck with that.

What flavours should I order?

3 Course Gum Pop CultureThis question makes a lot of sense because not all Chocolate-flavoured products, for example, taste the same.

So here is a quick rundown of our flavour descriptions to help you out the next time (or first time) you are ordering Queal and are wondering which flavours to choose:

  • Mild flavours: Smooth Vanilla and Banana Mania
  • Prominent flavours: Cool Chocolate, Crazy Chocolate Peanut, Awesome Apple Pie, Morning Macchiato
  • Somewhere in the middle: Funky Forest Fruit, Super Strawberry, Completely Coconuts

Just as a side note, if you’re looking for something savoury, the closest flavour we (currently) have to that is Crazy Chocolate Peanut. It’s extremely peanut-ey and delicious, and also has an undertone of savoury buzz.

However, what these flavours have in common is that they are all ridiculously tasty. I’ll leave you with that.

What’s the difference between a single order and a subscription?


SubscribeI completely understand that some people have their qualms about taking out subscriptions. Maybe they’ve had bad experiences with other companies in the past, and they simply do not understand the benefits that come with taking one out.

Well, let me enlighten you!

Firstly, taking out a Queal subscription is great because you only have to order once, and a box of Queal will be shipped to your doorstep every month after that. No hassle.

Now you might be thinking, okay that’s all good and fine, but what if I want to change something in my subscription. Good news, that’s super easy as well. By going into your Queal account, you can easily increase or decrease the number of bags in your subscription. You can also pause or cancel your subscription at any time. Just make sure to do this before your subscription renews again!

If you want to change the flavours of your subscription, you can simply email me at [email protected] or find me lurking on the chat on our website and let me know what you’d like to change. I’ll handle it for you, no worries.

Moving on, another great thing about our subscription is that you will sometimes receive a Premium Item with your delivery. This could be anything from branded merchandise to new limited edition flavours (this months was Completely Coconuts!). So yeah, you get the new stuff free and before anyone else.

Lastly, one of the huge reasons to take out a subscription is the major discounts you will get.

Depending on the number of bags you order, discounts start increasing as of 20+ bags, whether you order once or take out a subscription. However, our subscriptions increase the discount even more.

Let’s say you wanted to take out 30 bags of Queal Standard for a single order. That would cost €189, with each bag costing €6,30.

Now let’s compare that with the same order (30 bags of Queal Standard) for a subscription. That would cost €175,50, with each bag costing €5,85.

That’s €13,50 you’d be saving. That’s going to see a movie, some extra gas in your car, a little extra money to save on a fancy meal, or roughly 1/4th of a current-gen console game (damn you, modern gaming!).

Anyways, there are certainly many benefits of taking out a subscription, so give it a go!

How many scoops of powder should I use for one meal?


PowderWith our scoop, it should be around 5 scoops.

However, if for some reason you don’t have the scoop (someone stole it from you out of pure jealousy, probably), you can measure out 175g per one meal.

If you have neither a scoop nor some sort of instrument of measure, you can simply eyeball it (my favourite way of doing it). 1/3 of a bag should do it!

Is Queal the best thing ever?*


Queal Best KalaYes. Obviously.

*Not an actual FAQ. Instead, I regularly ask this to myself while making this face.


To see other important FAQs and their answers, please feel free to check them out here.

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