Introducing Queal Vegan Banana

Introducing Queal Vegan Banana

The easiest way to eat vegan.

This is the moment; after months of tasting and tweaking, we can finally introduce our vegan recipe! We are happy to announce that our first batch of vegan powder will be banana flavoured.

Difference between Queal Standard and Vegan:

The biggest difference is that Queal Vegan won’t contain whey protein. Instead, we use pea and rice protein to provide you with the necessary protein requirements. Besides, one of our vitamin D resources was also derived from an animal resource so we changed the vitamin D source as well. Also, Queal Vegan will be lactose-free.

What took you so long?

Well… whey protein has a large influence when it comes to the flavour of the powder mixture. So until now, we weren’t enthusiastic about the taste of our vegan version yet. We’re going to sell a small amount – approx. the amount of two batches of Limited Editions – of the vegan bags first to see if you agree on the taste of the mix.

When you guys think our vegan shake is absolutely fantastic, we’ll run a competition to decide what flavour should be next. Therefore, it’s important to let us know what you think. We’ve set up a forum topic to discuss everything about Queal Vegan.

Why would you eat vegan Queal?

The popularity of a vegan lifestyle is growing, but still, living a vegan lifestyle nowadays can be hard. Only a gradually growing amount of catering occasions or restaurants take vegan dishes into account. Having a shake by using vegan powder makes it the easiest way to eat animal-friendly! Vegan Queal, what’s in the name, doesn’t contain any ingredients retrieved from animal sources. Besides, like our ‘normal’ Queal, it’s a mix of sustainable and certified ingredients.

Visit the product page to find out more about vegan, or go directly to the nutritional specs.


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