
Selenium – An Antioxidant

Selenium is a chemical element (Se). It has many applications, from glass-making to rubber production. But right now we’ll focus on Selenium as an essential micronutrient for the human body. Selenium acts as an antioxidant as well as a crucial part of the functioning of the thyroid gland.


It is mostly ingested through nuts, cereals, meat (especially liver), mushrooms, fish (especially tuna), and eggs.


A lack of selenium can result in cardiomyopathy (various heart-related issues) as well as a decrease of liver functionality. Receiving at least the recommended daily amount of selenium (around 55 microgram) prevents this from happening. Selenium detoxifies metals that are introduced in the body, and is also important for the proper functioning of the thyroid-gland. There is even research that indicates selenium might help protect against prostate cancer.


Too much selenium is also bad for you, however, as it can be quite toxic at higher quantities. An upper limit of a “safe intake level” for selenium is not universally agreed upon but lies anywhere between 400 and 800 microgram.


The recommended daily intake amount for selenium is about 55mg.
Queal holds 97,12mg of selenium, an RDA of 177%.


In Queal, the selenium comes from the Oats, Soy, and added Sodium Selenite.

The quantity of Selenium in Queal differs slightly from the official Dutch recommendations, as the EFSA has published an updated new recommendation.


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