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Start of Queal

The Start of Queal

Update: Current Queal is at version 4.0, let's keep on innovating!   "What if we could replace food with a shake that has a perfect mix of nutrition?" That is the question Onno Smits and Floris Wolswijk, founders of Queal had in June 2014. Since humans were already...

Queal Launch New Meal

Queal Launch

Queal is launching today! An improved recipe, new delivery service and a new office are but a few of the improvements we've made over the last few weeks. After a very successful pre-launch, we are now launching for real.   Product   The feedback from our enthusiastic testers has...

Queal Launch Header

Queal – Your new meal!

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates   What if you never had to cook again? What if you could combine taste and health without become a professional cook or spending ages in the kitchen? What if you could do this for less...