sustainability Tag

Protein Power!

So, What Exactly Is Protein? A lot has been said about protein and how it affects working out and muscle growth. But what exactly are proteins and what is their role in your body? What role do they play in your diet? And lastly: will our future food be more...


Queal: The Future of Food

"The future of food is food." That's what Revolution's CEO Steve Case mentioned in his article about Soylent last year. He stated that Soylent might only be the future of food for some 'Valleyites'. I disagree with his statement. In this blog, I'll explain why...

Sustainability Queal Part 2

The Sustainability of Queal Part 2

The Future of the World Did you know we will most likely live in a world without fossil fuels? How is the world doing on sustainability? Look at this graph, it is the estimated rate at which we run out of fossil fuels: Source: While we at Queal...