Tinkering Thursday Part 4

Tinkering Thursday 4

The fourth installment of Tinkering Thursday is here. This is the place where the weird and wonderful experiments with Queal happen. If you can image it, or if you couldn’t, here they are!

Tokio Mix

This week we mixed we combined Queal in Qontrol with the rice cracker Tokio Mix. For this we had to use a blender so that the crackers would get blended to a smooth consistency.


Fun Fact: I can still talk with 8 of the rice crackers from the mix, you won’t get rid of me that easily!

Tinkering Thursday Tokio 1


You will need

  • Tokio Mix or any other rice cracker mix
  • 1/3 bag of Queal in Qontrol + oil
  • Water




  1. Place the Queal, oil and 350 ml of water into a blender.
  2. Add a desired amount of the Tokio Mix to Queal.
  3. Blend for a while until a smooth consistency is reached.
  4. Serve and enjoy!



Tinkering Thursday Tokio 2


The combination of Queal in Qontrol together with the Tokio Mix tastes quite good. If you like rice crackers, then this mix is definitely for you! Blend it for quite some time though, as our shake turned out a bit chunky, but we didn’t mind as it added some extra crunchiness.


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on twitter, facebook, instagram or in the comments below. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.




We recently enjoyed some banana chocolate pancakes and decided we wanted to replicate the awesome taste with Queal. So this week, we mixed Banana Queal with everyone’s favourite chocolate spread: Nutella!


Fun Fact: A jar of Nutella is sold every 2.5 seconds!


You will need

  • A jar of Nutella
  • 1/3rd bag of Banana Queal + oil
  • Water



  1. Place Queal, oil, 350ml of water, and Nutella in a blender.
  2. Blend.
  3. Serve and enjoy!



Wow, it tasted exactly like banana chocolate pancakes! So in other words, it was totally awesome. We recommend this to anyone who enjoys the sweeter things in life. Try this one out for a tasty breakfast or a great lunch!


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.


Calorie counter: 901 = 701 (Queal+oil) + 200 (2 tablespoons of Nutella)


The days are getting hotter, and we decided to bring a little sweetness into the mix. Another great idea that popped into our minds was to mix Queal with Strawberries. We decided to mix Smooth Vanilla Queal together with frozen strawberries, but you can use any flavour and replace frozen strawberries with fresh ones.


Fun Fact: The ancient Romans believed that strawberries alleviated symptoms of melancholy, fainting, inflammations, fevers, throat infections, kidney stones, bad breath, attacks of gout, and diseases of the blood, liver and spleen.

Tinkering Thursday Strawberry 1


You will need

• Strawberries
• 1/3rd bag of Smooth Vanilla Queal + oil
• Water



1. Place Queal, oil and 350ml of water together with the strawberries in a blender.
2. Blend.
3. Serve and enjoy!


Tinkering Thursday Strawberry 1


Smooth Vanilla Queal combined with strawberries tastes awesome! The vanilla flavour was still prominent which was surprising as we expected the strawberry taste to overpower it. This could be explained by the fact that we used frozen strawberries instead of fresh ones. This combination is perfect for the end of spring; it is refreshing and very tasty!


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the comments below. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.


Calorie counter: 778= 701 (Queal+oil) + 77 (cup of thawed frozen strawberries)


Ice Cream

Summer is just around the corner! This sweet combination we tried this week will be sure to cool you down. Try mixing your favourite flavour of Queal together with ice cream. We chose to mix Smooth Vanilla Queal together with Street’s Vanilla Vinetta Mini ice cream. For mixing, we recommend using a blender rather than a shaker so that a smooth consistency can be achieved.


Fun Fact: Worldwide, around 15 billion litres (3.3 billion gallons) of ice cream are consumed every year, enough to fill 5,000 Olympic swimming pools.


You will need

  • Ice cream of your choosing
  • 1/3 Bag of Queal + oil
  • Water
  • Blender

Tinkering Thursday Ice Cream 1


1. Place Queal, oil and 350ml of water together with the ice cream in a blender.
2. Shake or blend.
3. Serve and enjoy!



Smooth Vanilla Queal with the mini Vinetta ice cream tastes amazing! The coldness of the shake is very refreshing, perfect for when you need to cool down. It is the perfect combination for summer, and you can experiment with different flavours of ice cream and Queal. Let us know what mix tastes the best in your opinion!


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.

Calorie counter: 869= 701 (Queal+oil) + 168 (1 Vanilla Mini Vinetta )


We felt a bit cheesy this week, and felt like some savoury Queal. Call us crazy, but we decided to mix grated cheese with the unflavoured variant, Queal in Qontrol. We are afterall located in The Netherlands, and known for our cheeses, especially Gouda. For this we strongly recommend using a blender!


Fun fact: Did you know that the total cheese production in Holland is over 13 million kilograms/30 million pounds per week?

Tinkering Thursday Cheese 1You will need

  • 1/3 bag of Queal in Qontrol + oil
  • Grated Cheese of your liking
  • Water



  1. Place the Queal, water and oil in the blender.
  2. Add the grated cheese.
  3. Blend for a few minutes so that the cheese blends well.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

Tinkering Thursday Cheese 2Results


We were actually pleasantly surprised!  The only problem we encountered was that the cheese did not blend perfectly, so there were still unblended little chunks of cheese. Overall we liked it, but wouldn’t drink the mix on regular basis. If you’re in a cheesy mood, try it yourself!


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on twitter, facebook, instagram or in the comments below. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.


Calorie counter: 976= 701 (Queal+oil) + 275 (half a cup of cheese)


If you love sweet things and especially honey, you will love the combination of Queal with honey. We decided to combine the two in a shaker, but you can also use a blender.


Fun Fact: Honey is 80% sugars and 20% water. Honey stored in air tight containers never spoils. Sealed honey vats found in King Tut’s tomb still contained edible honey, despite over 2,000 years beneath the desert sands.

Tinkering Thursday Honey 1

You will need

  • Honey
  • 1/3 bag of Queal Super Strawberry + oil
  • Water



  1. Place the Queal, oil and 350 ml of water into a blender or a shaker.
  2. Add a desired amount of honey.
  3. Blend or shake for a while until a smooth consistency is reached.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

Tinkering Thursday Honey 2Results


Queal with honey tastes really good! If you have a sweet tooth then this recipe is definitely for you. When you combine the honey and Queal in a shaker, make sure that you shake it for a while so that the ingredients mix properly. We used Queal Super Strawberry, but you can use other flavours. Let us know if you try this for yourself!


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the comments below. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.


Hemp Seeds

This week, we combined hemp seeds with Queal in Qontrol. Hemp seeds have the most concentrated balance of proteins, essential fats, vitamins, and enzymes combined with a relative absence of sugar, starches, and saturated fats. Hemp Seeds are one of nature’s perfect foods – a Super Food!


Fun Fact: In the mid-to-late 1800’s, the 2nd & 3rd most commonly used medications were concentrated cannabis extracts and resins.

Tinkering Thursday Hemp Seeds 2You will need

  •  Hemp seeds
  • 1/3 bag of Queal in Qontrol + oil
  • Water



  1. Place the Queal, oil and 350 ml of water into a shaker/blender.
  2. Add the hemp seeds.
  3. Shake/blend.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

Tinkering Thursday Hemp Seeds 1


We mixed the seeds together with Queal in a shaker bottle, so the result turned out a bit chunky. Even though the seeds weren’t entirely mixed in and we had to chew quite thoroughly, we really liked our super-shake. Not only was it tasty, but also super nutritious!


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:


If you have any other suggestions please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the comments below. Your idea may be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

We believe there is a hidden cookie monster in all of us, therefore we decided to try mixing Crunchy Chocolate Cookie Queal together with chocolate chip cookies. A killer combination that fills you up or a great tasting shake? Read below to find out!


Fun Fact: Did you know that during your lifetime you eat over 35,000 cookies on average?

Tinkering Thursday Chocolate Chip Cookies 2
You will need

• Chocolate Chip Cookies
• 1/3rd bag of Crunchy Chocolate Cookie Queal + oil
• Water



1. Place the Queal, oil and 300ml of water together with a couple of cookies in a blender (or a shaker).
2. Blend.
3. Serve and enjoy!


Tinkering Thursday Chocolate Chip Cookies 1




The shake turned out extremely well and the blended cookies added a crunchiness to the Queal. We added three cookies (each 125 kcal each) to the Queal, which resulted in a very filling shake. So if you have a hidden cookie monster inside of you or want to exceed 35,000 cookies in your lifetime, this mashup is for you! Let us know how you liked this variant of Queal.


You can now see our Tinkering Thursdays! Check out the link below for a quick ‘how to’ video with co-founder Floris:

If you have any other suggestions please let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the comments below. Your idea could be featured in one of the next Tinkering Thursdays!


Calorie counter: 1076= 701 (Queal+oil) + 375 (3 cookies)


How will you mix your Queal?
Start with a Taste Tester.
21 Meals. Quick, Tasty & Balanced.
Choose your variation
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