Tinkering Thursday Part Deux

Tinkering Thursday: Part 2

We’re back again with the second installation of our experimental arm: Tinkering Thursday. Here we test out recipes of Queal that you would not expect, couldn’t image and would very probably love.

Choco Queal

It’s almost time for hot chocolate milk, so right before the winter approaches, we present a Tinkering Thursday experiment with Chocomel and Queal Cool Chocolate. This one will keep you warm during those dark winter nights.

Tinkering Thursday Chocomel 1

Instructions: To make Queal plus Chocomel follow these instructions:

  1. Grab 1/3th a bag of Queal Cool Chocolate + 1 teaspoon of oil
  2. Buy yourself some grade-a-Dutch-Chocomel (or some other chocolate milk)
  3. Mix the Queal like you would normally do, only using Chocomel instead of water
  4. Done!


Result: This goo of Queal Cool Chocolate and Chocomel is rich in flavour. In comparison to last weeks (Queal and milk) the flavours do much better in complementing each other. This mix, however, is not the best of both worlds. Chocomel adds quite a lot of calories and might best be served with cream instead of Queal. This one gets a 3,5/5 rating.

Tinkering Thursday Chocomel 2

Calorie counter: 910 kcal (normal + 209 from the Chocomel) (ps the reduced fat version cuts 20 kcal)

Frozen Fruits

Will it Blend is a popular vlog by blender maker Blendtec. Will it blend? is the question we asked ourselves when we embarked on our latest Tinkering Thursday. We mixed Frozen Fruits with Queal Funky Forest Fruits. It’s a match made in heaven.


Tinkering Thursday Fruits 1

Instructions: To make Queal plus Frozen Fruits follow these instructions:

  1. Grab 1/3th a bag of Queal Funky Forest Fruit+ 1 teaspoon of oil
  2. Buy yourself some frozen fruits (we bought a mix, but you can use any kind of course)
  3. Mix the Queal like you would normally do, put in the fruits first! (ps: yup we did it the wrong way around)
  4. Done!


Tinkering Thursday Fruits 3

Result: This is very tasty! The frozen fruits chill your Queal immediately to give it that smoothy feeling. This is one to make more than once 5/6!


Calorie counter: 731 kcal (normal + 30 from the Frozen Fruits, 100gr)

Tinkering Thursday Fruits 2

Queal Pudding

About a month ago Reddit user kitty1410 posted about something strange that had happened to his Queal when he left it in the fridge overnight; It had turned to pudding!


It turns out that when you mix Queal with boiling water, then let it sit in the fridge overnight, the boiling water makes the starches thicken, and the Xantham Gum in Queal adds to the thickness of the mixture, to make it pudding-like in density.


Obviously, we had to try this out for ourselves, and the results are in this week’s Tinkering Thursday!

Tinkering Thursday Pudding 1


Instructions: To make Queal Pudding you’ll need to follow these instructions:

  1. Grab 1/3th a bag of your favourite flavour of Queal + 1 teaspoon of oil
  2. Mix it as you would normally do, but use boiling water instead of normal tap-water.
  3. Put it in the fridge (not the freezer!) and let it sit overnight.
  4. Done!


Tinkering Thursday Pudding 1


Result: I cannot really recommend doing this, not more than once to try it for yourself. The thickness does not compliment the taste and texture of Queal, and it feels very heavy in your stomach immediately. 2/6, and that is being generous.


Calorie counter: 701 kcal

Shortbread Cookies

Who doesn’t like cookies? And who isn’t in for a little bit of sweetness once in a while? Maybe you don’t like cooking (many people eat Queal because it’s fast and easy to make). But what if I told you that with very limited cooking effort you can make very tasty and semi-healthy cookies!


Tinkering Thursday Cookies 1


Queal is healthiest if you mix it with water. This time we decided we were going to make an exception and make something really sweet. If you want to introduce your friends to Queal without them knowing? This is a way to go. 50% Queal & 50% Cookies = 110% delicious.


You will need

  • 250 gram Queal
  • 1 package of vanilla sugar
  • 100 gram sugar
  • 125 gram butter
  • 1 egg





  1. Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius
  2. Mix the Queal, sugar, vanilla sugar, egg and butter in a bowl and stir/knead to form a dough
  3. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 centimetre (it is advisable to apply first loose flour on the work surface so that the shortbread good can come loose from the countertop)
  4. Cut/reshape your cookies to your own liking
  5. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes

Tinkering Thursday Cookies 3



This is as tasty as it’s going to get. WOW! I don’t regularly make cookies, but I can confidently say these are among the best I’ve made in my life. I used Queal Active Super Strawberry and this gave it a nice edge. The sweet sugar and creamy butter also helped to make this a very successful experiment. Please do try this at home!


Tinkering Thursday Cookies 4



Because of the cumulation of different ingredients I’ve made a breakdown for the calories, per cookie (25 gram), per 100 gram and per mix (500 gram).

  • 119 kcal per cookie
  • 475 per 100 gram
  • 2377 per mix

Note: Due to the high temperatures of the baking some of the vitamins get lost. This mix is high in fats (butter) and sugar (sugar).


There are many easy ways to spice up your Queal – adding an apple is one of them. This fresh mix adds a bit of bite to your meal and freshens up the drink. Queal with an apple is both quick and easy to make!


Tinkering Thursday Apple 1


You will need

  • 1/3rd bag of Queal + oil
  • 1 apple



  1. Peal + cut out the core of your apple
  2. Put apple + Queal + oil in a blender + water
  3. Mix
  4. Enjoy

Tinkering Thursday Apple 2



Fresh! And actually really tasty! I know it’s not the most innovative thing to do with your Queal (like making cookies). But making apple Queal is easy and healthy. Be sure to blend for long enough, or you will have larger chunks than you wish for.

Tinkering Thursday Apple 3



796 = 701 (Queal+oil) + 95 (apple, mostly carbohydrates)


Mixing Queal with Heineken sounds like a strange combination. The results are even more surprising. Not only was it tasty, the carbonic structure of beer even added to the experience. Of course, this mix is not for every day, but what about those very important pre-drinking meals – now you can drink them. Please note, your blogger may have been under the influence of Queal Alcohol during the following Tinkering Thursday.

Tinkering Thursday Heineken 1


You will need

  • 1/3rd bag of Queal
  • 1 beer



  1. Mix Queal with beer (instead of water)
  2. Enjoy


Tinkering Thursday Heineken 2



Mixing Queal (or powdered foods in general) with beer turned out to be a real surprise. Who would have expected this to be a viable combination, I certainly didn’t think so. The carbonation of the beer makes for a ‘lighter’ drink, and shaking didn’t result in lots of foam. If you are over the age of 18 (or 21) you are invited to give this one a try.



801 = 701 (Queal+oil) + 100 (Heineken, 25cl)

How will you mix your Queal?
Start with a Taste Tester.
21 Meals. Quick, Tasty & Balanced.
Choose your variation
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